A schoolgirl inspired by Greta Thunberg has joined a national committee developing green education in schools across the country.

Isla Lester, 10, of Dorchester, is one of 22 young people on the first ever national eco committee - which has been tasked with 'greening' the National Curriculum.

The Dorchester Middle School year six student has been campaigning on behalf of the environment from a young age.

As a pupil at Damers First School she joined the school eco club which stoked her passion for environmental activism, her dad Ben said.

"As soon as she joined Isla just ran with it," he said.

"She started speaking to MPs when she was just six or seven, which was quite surprising as she's very quiet. She has really surprised us all with everything she's done.

"I don't think at the moment she realises how much she does and how much of an impact it has had."

Among Isla's many achievements are being an ambassador for a children's radio station in Australia and appearing on ITV Meridian News speaking about litter in lockdown, in particular about the high number of disposable masks being discarded. She has also taken part in the CPRE Litter in Lockdown study, speaking at an online event attended by MPs.

A future project for Isla will be ensuring school teachers educate their students about the environment with as much passion as possible.

She said: "I think that it is really important that we get school teachers on board who feel passionate about teaching about the environment, so these lessons can be exciting and fun with lots of opportunity for practical as well as written learning. It is important that we show children and young people that anyone, regardless of their ability, can make a difference big or small."

Mr Lester and Isla's mother Anna Balistrari, along with teachers at Dorchester Middle School are extremely proud of Isla's environmental achievements.

Mr Lester said: "Now the eco committee has been launched Isla's going to be involved in regular meetings.

"She's very inspired by Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough. It's hard to keep up with everything she's doing. Sometimes with everything going on we feel a bit like her PAs!"