A dad-of-two from a military family is performing a non-stop 36 hour DJ set to raise money to support veterans.

Ben Hadwin, 33, of Weymouth, who works for MKM Building Supplies in Weymouth, will perform the epic set at the Lugger Inn in Chickerell.

It will begin at 9am on March 5 and continue until March 6 at 9pm.

All money Ben raises will go towards the Veterans Hub Weymouth, which is MKM's chosen charity partner.

Area sales representative Ben said: "Coming from a military family and having close friends that have served, I know first hand what The Veterans Hub can do.

"Most recently my stepdad served with the Royal Engineers having been based in Northern Ireland and the Falklands and a close colleague of mine Jason Smith served with the Royal Logistics Corp in Bosnia, where he tragically lost one of his legs.

"One of my first memories was listening to my Great Uncle Ken who was a paratrooper during the Second World War, where he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur for the liberation of France.

"Listening to horrendous stories from My Great Uncle Pete who fought in Burma campaign and was awarded the Burma star, it was one of the most magnificent – and arduous – feats of arms in military history."

Ben is married to Claire and they have two girls, Lily and Chloe.

He says he expects the mammoth DJ set to be 'very hard' but can't wait to get going on it. "The only part I’m not looking forward to is when the Lugger closes to the public and it’s just me and security for 8 hours, this is when it will be streamed. As long as people are there I’ll feed off them to keep me going, and the odd drink. Music-wise it will be a huge range due to how long I’ll be playing, this will suit the mood and time of the day. However my love is house music."

Ben says that despite Dorset having one of the highest concentrations of veterans in the UK there is a lack of veteran orientated support services in the county, especially when it comes to mental and physical health services.

The Veterans Hub is in Portland Road, Wyke Regis and is open to veterans six days a week.

Ben has set a fundraising target of £1,200 and can be sponsored by going to justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ben-hadwin