Two teenagers found dead at a nature reserve in Dorset were identified from police custody images, an inquest has heard.

Bournemouth Coroner’s Court heard how the bodies of Jack Michael Williams, 18, and Katherine Susan Jane Powell, 17, were found in Bothenhampton Nature Reserve, near Bridport, on the morning of Tuesday, January 25.

READ MORETeens found dead at Bothenhampton Nature Reserve have been named

The inquest into their deaths, which opened today, heard emergency services were called to the beauty spot, in Wych Hill, and the pair were confirmed dead by paramedics at the scene.

The inquest revealed the two teens were discovered by a member of public at the nature reserve.

It was also heard at the inquest how Dorset Police had previously been in contact with both of the teens prior to their death.

Dorset Police has since referred itself to the policing watchdog.

READ MOREDorset Police refers itself to watchdog after teen deaths at Bothenhampton Reservoir in Bridport

The pair were found in woodland. The inquest, presided over by senior coroner Rachael Griffin, heard that there was no third-party involvement in the deaths of either teenager - Mr Williams, of West Bay Road, Bridport, and Miss Powell, of Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

Ms Griffin said at the inquest that both teenagers had been identified by mortuary staff by means of custody images from Dorset Police’s database.

Toxicology samples have been taken for analysis and both bodies have been released by the coroner to allow their funerals to take place.

Ms Griffin said that ahead of the full inquest, she requires statements from the families of Mr Williams and Miss Powell, their GPs and local mental health teams if they were engaging with them.

She also asked for a statement from the police in relation to their investigation, one from the pathologist reporting their findings, and an update on any investigation by the IOPC.

The coroner adjourned the inquest of Mr Williams until July 4 at 10am when it is listed for a pre-inquest review, with a similar hearing listed for Miss Powell at 12pm the same day.

No relatives of either teenager were present in court.

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