A COUPLE who have rented a chalet overlooking Weymouth Beach for three decades have been left feeling like ‘life has been pulled from under their feet' after they received a letter informing they were being kicked out - with no reason as to why.

Elizabeth and Tony Fisher, from Weymouth, have rented one of the chalets in Greenhill for 34 years but now they have been told they can no longer lease the hut, without an explanation or the chance to appeal the decision.

The story follows on from the Winslow and Higgins family who have also been informed they have to leave their chalet in March, despite renting it for generations, which left them 'heartbroken'.

Chalets in the gardens on that stretch of the seafront are operated by the Greenhill Community Trust, a tenant of Weymouth Town Council.

Mrs Fisher said: “I am just stunned because of lack of reasoning. My whole way of life has been pulled from under my feet.

“We had a letter saying we had not renewed our licence in time, but I am certain we did because we saw it and I got my husband to deliver it by hand when he walked the dog.

“They got it close to the deadline but I am as certain as I can be they got it in time because we took it by hand.”

The 70-year-old says the trust will not discuss the decision or take any phone calls with the decision final.

She continued: “It certainly changes my life now with swimming because I used to go every day between May and October - weather permitting.

“I would be more sympathetic if we did not use it every day.

“We have had a good innings in the chalet and I have been trying hard to think that it is time someone from the waiting list had a chance to enjoy what we have had for so many years but the sour taste in the mouth from the suspicion that one has been unfairly dislodged remains.”

Mrs Fisher says it would at least be ‘nice to have an explanation'.

She added: “I want more transparency with the decisions and perhaps to reconsider.”

In response a spokesperson for the trust said: The Greenhill Community Trust C.I.C were granted a 30-year lease in 2019.

“We can confirm the trust has the autonomy to manage the whole of their demise, including the chalets, but are unable to comment on the circumstances of individual licence holders.”