DORCHESTER’S bid to receive city status as part of celebrations marking the Queen’s platinum jubilee next year has divided opinion among councillors.

The town is one of 39 to officially bid for the status - but while some representatives said it's a positive step to show Dorchester's aspirations for the future, others have described it as a 'pointless waste of time'.

Dorset Councillor Richard Biggs, who represents the Dorchester Poundbury ward, believes it is a worthwhile venture as an ever-growing town.

Cllr Biggs said: “It’s a good idea, it’s good to be aspirational because Dorchester is a growing town and has certainly expanded since the original bid about 10 years ago.

“At the end of day it hasn't cost us any money and it has a lot going for it.”

Along with its rich history Cllr Biggs says Dorchester has plenty to offer as a city and believes those with doubts are in the minority.

He added: “I represent Poundbury which is very much part of Dorchester and has added a new dimension to the town, along with Brewery Square, the new county museum, Shire Hall etc. There’s a lot to be positive about in Dorchester and we have to be positive and look to the future and I think this is worth doing.”

Dorchester Town Councillor Alistair Chisholm, who represents the north ward, also agrees that applying for city status can only be a good thing for the area.

Cllr Chisholm said: “We have a lot of reason to be recognised as being a bit more than a market town.

“Yes, we are a small town but it's not quantity, it's quality and it's about the story.

“The whole area is full with historic monuments and must have been considered by the early civilised people as being of some significance so that underlies Dorchester and the area around it and we do have got an extraordinary story right up to and including the Prince’s Poundbury.”

But not all councillors are in agreement with the bid, including Councillor Tim Harries, who represents the Dorchester East ward.

He said: “I don’t think it is a bright idea and I have not from the start. I don’t see the point in it.

“We’re not going to get so it’s pointless, we’re the best town in England and we don’t want to become the 20th odd best city”

Fellow Dorchester East representative, Councillor Tony Lyall agreed. He said: “I just think it is a waste of time. Who would think it is a good thing?”