STAFF and pupils are 'absolutely delighted' that their school has been rated 'Good' following an inspection which focuses on the impact of the school's Christian vision on students and adults.

All Saints Church of England Academy on Sunnyside Road in Weymouth recently underwent a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS), which involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.

Inspectors visited the school on November 23 and 24 and rated the school as being overall 'Good', but highlighted a few areas of development which included improving opportunities for personal spiritual development to strengthen an understanding of the value of prayer and developing greater pupil involvement in collective worship.

The report identifies the academy as being in an area of significant deprivation and low social mobility. It has an above national average proportion of disadvantaged pupils and above national average proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and was praised by the inspector for its inclusivity and support to more vulnerable pupils.

The inspection report praised the 'rapid journey of development' at the Wyke Regis secondary school, which was placed in special measures after being rated 'inadequate' in all aspects in an Ofsted Inspection in 2018. In June 2019 the school was taken over by Ambitions Academies Trust (AAT).

The SIAMS inspector, Reverend Jeremy Hellier, in his report said that every 'student is deeply valued, with needs appropriately met' and a 'strongly inclusive approach is evident in the whole community'.

Head boy, Elliot Stradling, who hopes to progress to The Thomas Hardye School to study French, Politics and Sociology said: “The school now has a clear sense of direction which has empowered a better learning environment for all pupils. I’m excited to advance the progress we have made via close collaboration with other student leaders and the senior leadership team”

Sian Thomas, chief executive officer of AAT, said: “The Trust is very proud of what the Principal, staff, pupils, parents and governors have achieved, the report is a real testament to the hard work and relentless focus that has been on-going, in the pursuit of raising standards across the board in the school. Well done to the whole community on a fantastic report.”

Head girl, Amelia Andrews, who is looking to become a Nurse after studying Health and Social Care at Yeovil College said: “I can see how much the school has developed and improved. We have clear direction through Collective Worship every day. As a community, we have improved, and we will continue to improve.”

Principal of All Saints Academy, John Cornish, said: “I am so pleased that efforts of pupils, parents and staff been recognised in this report. We are well placed to continue the journey towards excellence in SIAMS at our next inspection. We are committed to ensuring that high expectations lead to high achievers and will keep up the hard work in order to achieve our vision of being outstanding in all that we do.”