The past week has been very frustrating as the Government appears to circle their wagons around the dubious concept of ‘zero covid’.

We were assured in the past that this was not policy, but I fear it is now.

Omicron and the rapidity of its spread have, without doubt, spooked ministers.

The Prime Minister’s sombre announcement of one death, sad though it was, and the media’s reaction to it, was a clear indication that fear was now ruling the roost.

The logic of our leaders is that no one should die fighting a hopeless cause.

I believe this to be an unprincipled and flawed concept.

Our country, society and future need to be defended, whatever the cost.

This is why I, and 98 other colleagues, opposed further restrictions this week.

Regrettably, more are heading our way as the government attempts to save everyone.

I’m afraid it can’t, without further eroding our fundamental freedoms.

Protecting them is the higher purpose that must not be sacrificed to meet unrealistic expectations.

Dire warnings of hospitalisation and death do not make that easy.

This is why I believe our current predicament is primarily political, not medical.

Yes, Omicron is spreading fast, but it is not proving fatal and early evidence from South Africa, where the strain was first identified, is encouraging.

At the end of my speech on Tuesday, I urged the government to remain calm and carry on.

Project fear must stop as it is truly damaging our society, with everyone losing a sense of proportion.

To carry on as we are is intellectually incoherent and, ultimately, the road to ruin.

The consequences are unimaginable, although we’ve had a glimpse of the abyss in recent weeks.