We have had to make some difficult decisions as a Parliament this week. I voted against these two measures and, as always, I am keen to share with you my direct insights as to why and the situation.

The two regulations that have now come into law are: 1. You have to present your vaccine certification (or a test) to attend indoor events where over 500 people are attending. 2. If you work in the NHS frontline and are not vaccinated and do not agree to your employment contract conditions changing, you will be dismissed on the 1st April 2022.

You’re probably wondering: And what is so wrong with these? Fundamentally, these two regulations are about a two-tier society emerging - now based on medical status. Some fellow citizens do not feel that they can have the vaccine. There are many reasons why that could be the case. Fear, concern about medical reaction. Maybe you were so poorly from your first jab, you don’t want to risk the second. It means that, if this is you, you won’t be able to go to certain places or events.

But when you get to the facts…. When you see that up to 32,000 people on the NHS frontline will be dismissed on 1st April 2022. When you see that some people in our community are waiting for 5 hours for an ambulance. When you know there are many people still in need of their vaccine booster over the age of 60 as is the case further south in this constituency and when you see that an NHS member of staff is told they have to go to Southampton, to be near emergency response capability for when they receive the vaccination, in case of a reaction.. …. Am I really going to vote for up to 32,000 frontline NHS worker to be sacked on the 1st April – the very people that have saved lives and given their all for almost two years – with them knowing that they are at higher risk..? The answer is no.