A WOMAN has raised thousands of pounds for charity after taking on a marathon in honour of the 'remarkable and loving life' of her dad on the anniversary of his death.

Victoria Lane, 43, ran the Portland Coastal Marathon which this year took place on the anniversary of her father's death, on November 7.

Her dad, Mike Reynold's moved from London to Portland to enjoy his semi-retirement on the isle. He sadly died at the age of 69 after losing his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2015.

Victoria, a veterinary care assistant from Plymouth, decided that this year she would take on the challenge to run her first marathon and raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK and Weldmar Hospicecare - two charities which helped and cared for Mr Reynolds when he fell ill.Dorset Echo: Victoria Lane running the Portland Coastal Marathon in memory of her dad. Picture: Victoria LaneVictoria Lane running the Portland Coastal Marathon in memory of her dad. Picture: Victoria Lane

With the support of her family, her husband Dave and her dog Sasha, cheering her on on the day, Victoria was able to complete the marathon, raising an incredible total of £2,600

Victoria said: "This year the anniversary of his death fell on the day of the Portland Coastal Marathon. In remembrance of his remarkable and loving life I decided to run the marathon and raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK and Weldmar Hospicecare.

"I had never taken up running as a sport so I spent the past summer training to attain a level of fitness enabling me to at least finish the gruelling 26.2 mile run around Portland’s glorious coastal paths and quarries.

Dorset Echo: Victoria Lane ruunign the Portland Coastal Marathon in memory of her dad. Picture: Victoria Lane

"However, this was no ordinary marathon because it involved a total climb of 2,100 feet. It is known amongst marathon devotees as one of the toughest courses in the UK!

"Thanks to the loving support of my husband Dave and both our families, I succeeded in running the full course in a little over six hours non-stop. My dad would have been so proud of me especially that I have so far raised over £1,600 for Weldmar Hospicecare and just over £1000 for Pancreatic Cancer UK."

You can still donate to Victoria's fundraiser by visiting www.justgiving.com/fundraising/torilane2