A MOTORIST apologised to a court after being flashed by a speed camera when he drove over the limit on a main route in Dorset.

Weymouth Magistrates Court heard how Paul Balfe, 59, was caught driving his silver Ford van at a speed of 37mph on the A350 in Charlton Marshall, near Blandford on January 26 this year.

The speed limit on the A350 through Charlton Marshall is 30mph.

Balfe, of Milton End, Arlingham, Gloucestershire, admitted exceeding the speed limit in contravention of an automatic camera device.

Prosecutor Chris Baker said: "The defendant was driving along the A350 when a speed camera caught him driving above the speed limit.

"There was no response from him regarding a letter sent to his address to pay for the speeding fine. The defendant then ignored a second letter about the fine."

Mitigating, Raj Chopra said: "He's a sub-contractor and is a hard-working person.

"He works all over the UK usually in areas with high-Covid infection rates.

"Regarding the speed he was travelling, it was not over a substantial level and he is very sorry."

Balfe told the court he earns an average of £1,500 per month.

Prior to the driving offence, Balfe already had a total of six penalty points on his driver's licence.

Chairman of the bench, Robert Ford told him: "You already have six points on your licence from the past three years, and there will be an additional three points added onto that total. Any more points could result in a totting-up disqualification from driving.

"It's important to that understand speed limits are there for a reason. Do not speed."

As well as the additional three points on Balfe's licence - bringing his total to nine - he was also ordered to pay a fine of £150, £110 court costs, and a victim surcharge of £34.

According to the DVLA, totting up refers to a driver accumulating 12 or more penalty points on their licence within a period of three years. At this point, a court has to arrange a hearing where they will consider imposing a disqualification from driving for a minimum period of six months.