MORE than 160 cats were rehomed by the RSPCA in Dorset last year as the animal welfare charity saw a 166 per cent increase in searches for cats on its website.

Last year the charity rehomed 17,868 cats which is 53 a day or two cats rehomed every hour.

There was a 166 per cent increase in searches for cats on the RSPCA’s FindAPet website following the first year of the pandemic.

Centres and branches are also caring for more cats than any pet with almost 3,000 moggies coming into the RSPCA’s care from the start of the year.

Figures show 162 cats were rehomed in Dorset. The figures come following 'Adoptober', when the RSPCA shines a light on the animals in its care looking for homes, and with more cats coming into the charity’s care than any other pet this means there are plenty of feline friends looking to be adopted. 

Sam Gaines, head of the RSPCA’s companion animals team, said: “It’s great to see so many people are interested in adopting cats from the RSPCA. The lockdown has really shone a light on the close bonds we have with our pets and for many people, their pets have become a real source of comfort during these challenging times.

“We’ve seen a huge surge in pet ownership during the past year or so and whilst it’s positive that so many people want to take on a pet we are keen to highlight the importance of doing your research to ensure you’ve got the time, patience and money to care for that animal for the rest of their life.

“Our centres and branches are seeing lots of cats coming into their care at the moment. This could be due to the end of the kitten season when most cats are born or more worryingly, it could be as a result of people buying cats on impulse earlier in the year who are now struggling to cope with them.

“We’d urge anyone who has thoroughly done their research and is keen to take on a rescue cat to consider adopting from the RSPCA.”

The charity also wants to emphasise the importance of getting cats neutered to prevent unwanted litters.

"We believe neutering cats from four months old will reduce the amount of unwanted and unexpected litters of kittens that are born and sadly end up in rescue centres. We understand that many owners may not have been able to get their pets neutered as understandably vets had to prioritise emergencies in the face of Covid-19. However, we would urge anyone with an unneutered female cat to get them neutered as soon as they can and keep them indoors until they have been spayed.”

To help the RSPCA continue rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in desperate need of care, visit or call the donation line on 0300 123 8181.