A CONSERVATIVE re-shuffle of Dorset Council’s most senior positions has been described as ‘unhelpful’ and a ‘knee-jerk reaction’ by the main opposition group leader.

The mid-year reshuffle was announced yesterday by council leader Spencer Flower who said it was time to refresh some of the roles on his Cabinet and committees as well as Lead Members to take the council through "challenging times ahead."

But Lib Dem leader on the council Cllr Nick Ireland said in response to Monday’s announcement: “The events highlighted the failures of an Executive run council and made it more important than ever to adopt an equitable and stable Committee based system such as that used by the former West Dorset District Council and recently rejected by the small Conservative majority on Dorset Council.

"It is extremely destabilising to have committee members moved after positions were agreed by Full Council only four months ago.  With the continuing Covid emergency, committees such as People & Health Scrutiny have important roles to perform and very busy forward plans; losing members who were up to speed isn't remotely helpful."

The changes will mean that Lyme Regis councillor Daryl Turner is removed from both overview committees, one of which he chaired, and moved to the council's scrutiny committees instead.

He had made a formal complaint against Cllr Spencer Flower, following alleged remarks at a meeting earlier in the year. The complaint was not pursued.

In an email to all Dorset councillors on Monday, Cllr Turner said: "It is time for a change and sadly not just the Leader, I too have had conversations with a number of members, going back some time now, about the leadership of the council and cabinet….Time for a fresh approach, new ideas and a less risk adverse leadership. We need to be leaders in climate change; We need to provide income streams for the council and not just talk about it. We need to stop hiding behind “the new council” and “Covid; they’ve become excuses.”

Cllr Turner says the decision not to investigate his complaint again Cllr Flower following off-mic remarks about his on-going role made during a council meeting earlier in the year illustrates that the council has “a pathetically weak standards process.”

Cllr Turner had been the chair of the council’s place and resources overview committee but under the changes will now be moved to sit as a back-bench member on the two scrutiny committees.

Two vacancies, for the chairs of the two overview committees, will now be considered by a full council meeting in December.

Other changes announced include Cllr Peter Wharf to move from Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change to Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, while continuing in his role as Deputy Leader;  Cllr Jill Haynes will move from Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services to Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change and Cllr Laura Miller will move from Adult Social Care and Health to Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services.

All other Cabinet Members continue with their current portfolios although there have been changes to some ‘lead councillor’ roles.

Said Cllr Flower in a statement: “The past 18 months have witnessed the worst pandemic for 100 years. A huge amount of time and effort by members and officers has gone into dealing with the crisis and at the same time tackling some of the structural changes required to sustain services and achieve balanced budgets since becoming Dorset Council in April 2019.

“It’s time to refresh some of the roles on Cabinet, Lead Members and committees to take the council through what will be challenging times ahead. I wish all of my colleagues who have new roles as part of this reshuffle, and those who remain in their current positions, the very best in making a difference to the lives of Dorset residents.”