POLICE in Dorset have highlighted examples of anti-social behaviour (ASB) - some of which can be dealt with by the council.

It comes as Dorset Police recently launched Operation Relentless, to show the force's commitment to tackling ASB.

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Examples of ASB activity which should be reported to the police include vandalism and graffiti linked with threatening or offensive behaviour, buying drugs or drinking alcohol on the street, threatening or drunken behaviour, setting off late-night fireworks, and off-road motorbikes.

A spokesman from Dorset Police said: "Tackling anti-social behaviour is a community effort and Dorset Police works with partners across Dorset.

"Help us take the ‘anti’ away from anti-social by reporting issue to the right people.

"Examples of anti-social behaviour that can be dealt with by Dorset Council or BCP Council include rowdy and noisy neighbours including loud music and late parties, uncontrolled or stray dogs - only contact Dorset Police if the dog is causing a road obstruction or being aggressive towards other people, abandoned vehicles, unkempt gardens, rubbish dumping, littering, general vandalism, and general graffiti such as 'tagging'.

For more this, visit: www.dorset.police.uk/asb