COUNCILLORS have slammed the actions of "uncivilised and pathetic" criminals who reportedly spiked the drinks of three people who were on nights out in Weymouth town centre.

Dorset Police received two reports relating to a man and a woman needing medical treatment after allegedly having their drinks spiked on the night of July 30 into the early hours of July 31 while on a night out in Weymouth. The incidents are believed to have occurred in Actor’s nightclub in Maiden Street.

A further report was subsequently received relating to a woman aged in her 20s who had been out in a number of other premises in the town on the night of July 31 and believed her drink had been spiked. She was taken home feeling unwell but did not require hospital treatment.

Police Constable Andy Dickinson, of Weymouth police, said: “We have been carrying out a number of enquiries into these reports and continue to work with our partner agencies and local businesses to raise awareness of personal safety in the night-time economy.

“We are appealing for anyone with information in relation to these incidents, or who witnesses any suspicious activity while they are on a night out, to please contact us.”

Dorset Echo: People reportedly had their drinks spiked in Actor's nightclub Picture: Graham HuntPeople reportedly had their drinks spiked in Actor's nightclub Picture: Graham Hunt

Councillor Tia Roos, who represents the Melcombe Regis ward, said: "This is a very serious and very scary situation. The women and the man must be feeling vulnerable, frightened and violated because of these incidences.

"I would encourage anyone who’s a friend of this individual or individuals doing this to report them and get their friend to check themselves and to express that it’s such a shame people have a good time ruined by an uncivilised and very pathetic individual."

Cllr Colin Huckle, Mayor of Weymouth, said: "This is totally unacceptable. People should be able to go out and enjoy the hospitality venues Weymouth has to offer without feeling unsafe. It's not something that should happen in a law-abiding town like Weymouth.

"We don't want this sort of thing happening and if anyone knows who did it then they must let the police know."

Actor's has been approached for comment.

The police has issued the following advice to prevent you or your friends from becoming a victim:

• Never leave your drink unattended

• Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know

• Keep an eye on your friends' drinks

• Stay away from situations that you don't feel comfortable with

• If someone appears very intoxicated do not leave them unattended or with a stranger, make sure they are safe

• Let someone know where you are and what time you expect to be home, especially if you're going on a date with someone you don't know

• Don't give out too much information to someone you've just met, such as your address

• It's important to remember that if you've already been drinking, it may make you less aware of any danger.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55210124235. Alternatively, to stay 100 per cent anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers online at or call Freephone 0800 555 111.