A DORSET MP has slammed Dorchester's bid for city status as 'unwanted and unnecessary'.

West Dorset MP Chris Loder has dismissed claims made by Dorchester town councillors that city status would be beneficial to the town.

He said: "Dorchester is, and always has been, our county town. People living here simply do not want to live in a city. City status will carry a range of planning implications and changes that will be both unwanted and unnecessary.

"We need to see off harmful projects such as the north of Dorchester development proposal first before we lose focus chasing city status."

As of July 29, a readers’ poll conducted by the Dorset Echo showed that of the 1,198 people who responded, 84 per cent opposed the idea of city status for Dorchester. Thirteen per cent were in favour of the idea, while three per cent were undecided.

Mr Loder said: “When it was stated that Dorchester’s previous application several years ago was unsuccessful because Dorchester ‘wasn’t good enough’ I find that insulting to our town. The deep historic and cultural value of our county town does not need to be ratified or proven by city status.

"To read what Dorchester Town Council have proposed has left me shocked, but not surprised given the history of the Liberal Democrats for going against the grain of what their electorate want."