A MAN who killed a Bournemouth hotel receptionist in "brutal, sustained and horrific attack" over a 42-minute period has received a hospital order with no time limit.

Stephen Richard Cole bludgeoned Travelodge employee Marta Vento to death on the morning of Wednesday, December 9, last year.

Cole, a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Miss Vento.

The 27-year-old Spanish national, who was living in Bournemouth, was found deceased at her place of work in Christchurch Road by her colleagues at around 8am.

The 32-year-old defendant was sentenced at Winchester Crown Court today.

Recorder of Winchester Judge Angela Morris said there was a "regretable and irreversible failure by some to spot" the defendant's health deterioration.

Judge Morris said: "It goes without saying the consequences for her (Miss Vento's) family are devastating."

"She was a bright and vibrant human being and her loss will be felt forever by her family and friends," she added.

The hospital order means Cole will be detained in a secure hospital until such point where he is considered to no longer pose a serious risk to the public.

This order could run indefinitely and should he be released, the relevant medical authorities will have the option to recall him to hospital should any concerns arise.

Cole, who had been remanded into custody at Ravenswood House Hospital in Fareham, Hampshire, was initially charged with murdering Miss Vento.

However, at a hearing last month he denied murder and pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

This plea was accepted by prosecutors on the basis of ‘partial diminished responsibility'.

The court heard Cole had been taking medication to help him deal with his mental health illness while remanded in custody for offences of indecent exposure last summer.

The defendant received a suspended sentence for these crimes in October 2020 and continued to take his medication upon his release from prison until he ran out.

Mitigating, Richard Grey said the defendant and his father made efforts to secure a prescription but these efforts were unsuccessful.

Cole had been staying in the Russell Court Hotel but was evicted on December 4 for an alleged unprovoked assault on two other male guests.

A room was secured for him at the Travelodge. Days into his stay he launched the attack on Miss Vento.

CCTV footage from the killing was played in court and showed the defendant surprise his victim in the hotel reception area before he started to punch and kick her.

She tried to escape but Cole chased her before he managed to grab her and inflict a sustained period of blows while she was on the ground.

The defendant, who had a pair of clippers in his hand during the attack, could be seen leaving the reception area, reportedly carrying the victim's lanyard.

He returned to his hotel room and cleaned himself up before leaving the hotel and walking to the police station.

Victim personal statements from Miss Vento's father and brother were read in court.

Her father said the family have suffered "pain and anguish", with them trying to "keep the ruins of what was a happy family standing". 

He said he wanted all those responsible to face justice for not protecting her daughter and not looking after the defendant properly.

Miss Vento's brother said "happiness left our lives" on December 9, adding that "nothing has ever been the same again".