CLIMATE activists set up Covid-compliant banner drops across the county calling on all Dorset MPs to back an environmental bill in parliament.

Volunteers from the Dorset Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill Alliance joined nationwide action aimed at getting Dorset MPs Richard Drax, Simon Hoare, Chris Loder, Christopher Chope and Michael Tomlinson to back the CEE Bill.

A banner was dropped by the Clocktower on Weymouth Esplanade reading ‘Be The Change - ask your MP to support the CEE Bill’, and at Maumbury rings in Dorchester a banner read ‘Back the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill now’.

Penny Quilter from Rodwell, Weymouth said: "Richard Drax has replied to my letter saying he would not sign the bill as 'the government are already taking this issue incredibly seriously.' How can a government who are continuing to allow airports to expand, allowing new coal mines to be built and cutting £1 billion from green homes grants be taking the climate crisis seriously?

“We are inviting Richard Drax to have a discussion with his constituents about the CEE Bill – we all feel incredibly passionate about this issue and welcome a forum to discuss our concerns.”

The CEE Bill is supported by over 100 MPs from eight political parties - including Labour, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Liberal Democrats and Greens.

The Bill asks the UK to take responsibility for its greenhouse gas emissions, to restore biodiverse habitats in the UK and to stop damage to the environment through the production, transportation and disposal of the goods we consume.

The CEE Bill was scheduled for debate in the House of Commons on Friday March 26, but the pandemic impacted parliamentary process postponing the second reading. The Bill is currently waiting for a new date to be set, and the expected date for its re-introduction to Parliament is May this year. The CCE Bill Alliance are using this extra time to try and get MPs, Councils and the public to back the Bill.

The Dorset CEE Bill Alliance set up a petition on which has gained over 320 signatures to get all five Dorset MPs to back the environmental Bill.