A FORMER teacher has been deemed to pose a significant risk to members of the public after he made arrangements to commit sexual acts on an ’11-year-old girl’.

Nigel Peter Grigg communicated on messaging platform Kik with a man called ‘John’ who had said he was willing to provide his ‘daughter’ for sexual activities.

‘John’ was in fact an officer from the police South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU).

Grigg arranged to meet ‘John’ and his ‘daughter’ with the intention of committing child sex offences.

The 69-year-old purchased presents for the ‘girl’, including items from Ann Summers.

Shortly after arriving at the agreed meeting point – McDonald’s in Totton – he was arrested by police.

Dorset Echo: McDonald's restaurant in Totton where Grigg arranged to meetMcDonald's restaurant in Totton where Grigg arranged to meet

Sentencing Judge Robert Pawson said: “The facts of this case make chilling reading for any parent, or any person in fact.”

Grigg was jailed for five years and issued with a two-year extended licence period at Bournemouth Crown Court after Judge Pawson deemed him to be a dangerous offender.

This was after he admitted a single charge of arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence between March 4 and March 12 last year.

Prosecuting, Jane Rowley told the court Kik was being used by paedophiles and this activity was being investigated by the ROCU.

She said online communication took place between the defendant, using the display name Randy Peter, and the undercover police officer posing as adult male ‘John’.

Dorset Echo: Nigel Peter Grigg has been put behind barsNigel Peter Grigg has been put behind bars

Ms Rowley said there was subsequent telephone contact between the two and two meetings were arranged.

The prosecutor said the evidence “clearly shows his sexual interests in children and efforts to groom the child”.

Grigg posted on Kik he was “looking for anyone near Bournemouth and interested in taboo family fun”.

“Conversation from the outset was sexual,” said Ms Rowley.

Dorset Police's Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT), a specialist team who work with partner agencies to identify offenders operating online and protect vulnerable children from sexual exploitation, assisted in the case, which culminated in Grigg being arrested and charged.

Mitigating, Kevin Hill said Grigg, of Croft Road, Poole, had no previous convictions and had shown “a lot of remorse”.

Mr Hill said his client had referred himself to get help for his sexual offending since his crime was committed.

Summarising the case, Judge Pawson said Grigg had “boasted” on Kik that he had “done a 13[-year-old] in Thailand”.

The defendant had time to reconsider his actions and time to realise the risk and the magnitude of what he was doing, said Judge Pawson.

Grigg was made the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and must be placed on the sex offenders register for life.

If you have concerns about people who may be exploiting children sexually, contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or call 101.

You can also report concerns directly to The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) at www.ceop.police.uk or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org.

For more support and advice contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or visit help@nspcc.org.uk.