HI READERS, it’s Emily and William here talking about things which have kept our spirits up this week.

Something that made me, Emily, laugh was at the care home where I work. A resident and a member of staff were walking down the corridor but people were in their way. To get past, they pretended they were traffic signallers, saying ‘beep beep, coming through’. It was so unexpected it made me laugh out loud! I love laughing with our residents.

My dogs being silly also make me giggle. One of them lay upside down on the floor this week, which was so funny.

I, William, laughed this week at a video Emily sent, of a man playing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin on his guitar while a parrot sang along. It was just so crazy.

We both laughed with our friend Debbie this week too. She’s a friend we met at Friendship Club and we had a Zoom catch up call. Debbie is lovely and has a hugely infectious giggle, so much that we can’t help giggling along too. She’s been staying at home to keep safe, so it’s great she feels comfortable to see us on Zoom for some fun because it must be hard being at home so much.

We both also laughed in our Friendship Club Zoom call. We were talking about nature and outdoors, and had to identify the sounds of different animals. Some of them were so funny, like the pig which sounded more like someone was burping!

We hope you can find some laughter or can smile in your day too, however hard your circumstances are. Do let us know as we might share your ideas in another column. We all need to help each other to keep our moods up at this difficult time.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff