SOUTH Dorset MP Richard Drax has given a 'cautious welcome' to the post-Brexit trade deal that has been agreed between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The deal was secured on Christmas Eve, a week before current trading arrangements expire.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen were in close contact in the days leading up to the agreement to help get the deal over the line.

But negotiations led by the EU’s Michel Barnier and the UK’s Lord Frost continued throughout December 24 as final details were hammered out.

The agreement was reached after months of fraught talks on issues including fishing rights and business rules, and fears the UK would leave the EU without a deal.

Scrutiny of the treaty began in earnest when the 1,246-page document was officially published, with Conservative Eurosceptics among those promising to pore over the details.

The Prime Minister said the deal could withstand the "most ruthless scrutiny" from the European Research Group of Conservative Brexiteers.

The group has assembled a self-styled 'star chamber' of lawyers led by veteran Eurosceptic MP Sir Bill Cash to examine the full text ahead of a Commons vote on December 30.

Senior Conservative backbencher Sir Bill said 'sovereignty is the key issue' as his team analysed the small print of the deal.

Brexiteer Mr Drax said: "As always, the devil is in the detail, but I would cautiously welcome the deal on the surface.

"I would like to get behind it and see the country move on and do well, which I have every confidence it will."

Bournemouth West MP and Brexiteer Conor Burns described the deal as a "personal triumph" for the Prime Minister, adding: "He was openly mocked, ridiculed and heckled when he said there was still time to rescue Brexit and get it back on track.

“It has delivered what we wanted. It has protected our red lines. There will be no jurisdiction of the European court, we will over time control all of our own fishing waters and we will be free to sign free trade agreements with nations around the world.

“But we will have an ongoing orderly and friendly relationship with our nearest and closest neighbours.”

Bournemouth East MP Tobias Ellwood, said: "It's time to get behind the PM and support this trade deal and allow us to re-engage on the international stage as we assume the presidency of the G7 and hold the critical summit on climate change."

Labour has called the trade agreement a 'thin deal' that needed 'more work' to protect UK jobs.