AN ARMY veteran and artist from Dorchester has created a work of art illustrating the inspirational life of Captain Tom Moore, who raised millions for the NHS by walking laps of his garden.

Howard 'Oby' O'Brien, 59, has previously been commissioned to create portraits of Prince William and Prince Harry - but said the opportunity of handing over the drawing to Captain Moore in person would be an even greater honour than meeting the royals, such is his admiration for the centenarian - who has so far raised £32,796,696.

Both men were posted at Bovington during their Army service, and were even born in the same part of Yorkshire – West Riding.

Mr O'Brien said he felt 'destined' to do the drawing and is selling prints to raise money for the NHS, with plans to turn it into a jigsaw puzzle.

"I have not been able to draw for over three years, and needed something to help me get through lockdown," Mr O'Brien explained.

"I had intended the drawing to be ready for (Captain Tom's) birthday but I missed the deadline, so just kept adding to it each day.

"Apart from seeing all about Captain Tom on the news and his documentary, I used Wikipedia to build up a drawing depicting his life. I've just added his wedding photo and can now say it is complete and ready for printing."

Mr O'Brien - better known as 'Oby' - was given the nickname on his first day with the third Royal Tank Regiment in 1979.

A keen artist since childhood, Oby has had a book of his drawings published - B-Amaze-D - named after the squadrons he was with during two tours of Northern Ireland.

"In 1982 we were at the Maze prison and I drew a daily cartoon for the lads - it was put up in the cookhouse every day to keep the morale up," he said.

"I was commissioned to draw Prince William in 2007 and Prince Harry the year before so I am used to meeting special people - but if I had the chance to meet Captain Tom that would even top meeting the royals.

"I can honestly say that I have Captain Tom to thank for helping me get through this period - his inspiration and his outlook on life is second to none."

To purchase a print of the drawing email or to see more of Oby's artwork visit