Moving house can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. 

Firstly, you have to find the right place then there’s all of the packing, moving schools and the added financial pressure. 

On average 100,000 people move house each month in the UK, according to data from Lloyds Bank.

With the UK in lockdown for the past eight weeks life has come to a standstill and moving house has seemed more like a juggling act. 

Since March the property sector has seen around 373,000 property sales thrown in the balance and the demand for purchase has fallen by 70% according to latest figures from Zoopla. 

However, with new government guidance released earlier this week moving home during lockdown may be becoming easier - although the government stress this is not a return to normal.

Dorset Echo:

Preparing to buy, sell or move: 

People are now able to start looking for and marketing their properties.

Whilst estate agents are now able to attend the property to take pictures and videos. 

However, if any of your household is showing symptoms or is self-isolating then estate agents should not enter the property. 

Bringing together relevant documentation and making contact with new build developers can go ahead as normal. 

Property viewing:

People have been unable to view houses in person and instead have been able to join virtual tours of properties. 

The government has advised housing agents, who have been able to return to work this week, that virtual tours should be carried out for initial viewings. 

However, in-person property viewings are now able to take place. 

The key changes to property viewings include providing access to handwashing facilities, appointment-only viewings, no open house viewings and social distancing procedures.

There is strict guidance on the compliance of covid-19 safety rules for house viewing, which includes: 

  • When viewing a property, where possible, you should avoid touching surfaces and bring your own hand sanitiser. If children must attend the viewing then they should be kept from touching all surfaces and wash their hands regularly. 
  • When showing people around your home, you should open all internal doors and ensure surfaces, such as handles, are cleaner after each viewing. 
  • It is recommended that you vacate your property whilst viewings take place in order to minimise your contact with those not in your household. 
  • Anyone involved in any aspect of the home moving process should practice social distancing in line with public health advice. 
  • When moving between properties your own household should try and do as much of the packing as your can. Where this is not possible, you should speak to removal firms in advance/ 
  • If you are particularly worried about infection the professionals involved may be able to put in place extra measures. 

Dorset Echo:

Making offers or reservations: 

The government details that making or accepting an offer on a property can go ahead as normal. 

However, there is now a greater risk that parties may need to delay their move due to coronavirus and as a result your legal adviser should ensure your contracts and agreements are as flexible as possible. 

Prospective purchasers who have agreed upon a sale are able to enter the property again, for example to measure up as long as social distancing and hygiene measures are followed. 

Tradespeople are able to enter the property to carry out inspections however this should be scheduled with one person visiting the property at a time. 

Property searches and surveys: 

Legal representative should be able to carry out property searches online and therefore do not need to enter the propoerty.

However, surveyors are able to enter the new property to carry out essential work. 

If your house is being surveyed you should minimise contact with the surveyor by staying in a different room. Surveyors should not enter a property where anyone is showing symptoms or self-isolating. 

Dorset Echo:

Moving House: 

Removal firms are now able to return to work although procedures may need to be altered in order to follow covid-19 guidelines. 

The government has advised: 

  • People should try to contact removal firms as early as possible
  • Your household should try and do as much of the packing as possible, otherwise you should speak to the removal firm. 
  • Where possible you should clean your belongings with standard domestic cleaning products before they are handled by removal firms. 
  • All internal doors should be open within the home and social distancing measures apply during the house move. 
  • All parties should wash their hands regularly and you should not provide refreshments.

All industry professionals within the property sector have been provided with in-depth government guidance on the regulations to follow when working in someone else’s property and social distancing. 

More information is available here.