A 'SECRET' community garden is to be spruced up thanks to funding from a local supermarket.

The Chiswell Community Walled Garden on Portland opened in 2006 and has a fascinating and mysterious back-story.

The garden came about after plans for Baker's Green housing estate on the old Chiswell village common were approved in 2002, prompting residents to look for another green space.

Christina Moody, garden supervisor, said a location that sprang to mind was a derelict compound owned by the former Weymouth & Portland Borough Council and used as a storage yard.

Concealed within its 9ft walls lay a reinforced concrete air-raid shelter, a large concrete bunker and the remains of some 1960s public toilets.

Undeterred, a group was set up to build the garden, now known as The Chiswell Community Trust, and the land was leased from the council.

"Soon after work began, remnants of doorways and windows were discovered," said Christina Moody. "Research quickly revealed that there were once two fine stone houses and a smaller cottage on this piece of land dating back to the early 17th century."

Work was put on hold while English Heritage carried out an assessment, and a second dwelling was also discovered, along with stone hearths and fragments of pottery.

"Excavation soon turned to conservation, and architectural glimpses of these dwellings can still be seen in the garden," Christina added.

After being on hold for some time, the finished garden won several awards when it opened, including a coveted Green Pennant award, but the ravages of time and recent storms have left certain areas in much need of repair and renovation.

"Our dearest wish is to achieve a Green Pennant award again," Christina Moody said.

Fortunately, with the announcement of funding by the Co-Op, this could one day become a reality for the community garden.

Hidden behind four walls, the secret garden is frequently used as a venue by community groups, as well as an art exhibition being held there.

Co-Op members choosing 'Chiswell Walled Garden' as their nominated community cause will see the project awarded one per cent of every sale of Co-Op own-brand products they purchase. The money will be awarded next year.

For more information about the Co-Op community fund visit causes.coop.co.uk.


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