I’m disgusted by the habits of some dog owners.

I’ve penned the following. It won’t change things, I feel sure, but perhaps the folks who don’t use the bins provided might change their ways:

Dear, discerning doggie owner using poop-scoop bags in pink,

I want to know, when you’ve scooped poop, why you just don’t seem to think.

You lob full bags in bushes

which weighs their branches down.

You hope high tide at Lodmoor

will help your dog’s ‘dos’ drown.

You hang full bags on fences.

You leave bags where we tread.

Why can’t you take those faeces home?

What goes on in your head?

You’re lazy, inconsiderate.

You should bin your canine’s pooh

bagged in white, black, or pink,

or flush it down your loo.

It’s a shame someone can’t fine you

on the spot, for signs unheeded.

Each trash can on the Rodwell Trail

explains just what is needed.

Your dog would be embarrassed

if it knew your thoughtless deeds.

It wouldn’t want its poo bagged up

then hurled into some weeds.

Think of our environment;

don’t decorate the trees,

or kerbsides, walls, or staircases.

BIN dog poo in bags, please.

