Some political correspondents and Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents have criticised him for his supposed lack of leadership on the basis of his refusing to take sides over Brexit. On the contrary, his ability to have facilitated a generally acceptable position for most Labour Party members should be applauded for its bravery in an era of governmental totalitarianism and its ‘all-knowing’, complicit advisory management consultants.

Right-wing political leaders have become besotted with their own ideologies and now treat populism as an essential tool via the media. Cabinets shrug off views contrary to their own, Prime Ministers brook no dissent and FPTP prevents consensus. A recipe for disaster.

Your readers should look at ‘A facilitator’s handbook’ by John Heron. This lays out in plain terms the disadvantages of our current hierarchical leadership system and the advantages of facilitating change instead. Boris Johnson’s and Jo Swinson’s attitudes rebuke Corbyn’s neutral leadership when all it seeks is to find mutual grounds by which to tackle society’s underlying problems.

Mike Joslin

Garfield Avenue
