A TOTAL of 20 cars and a shop were vandalised in a smashing spree in Dorchester.

The mini crimewave is being investigated by Dorset Police who are appealing for witnesses.

On Monday, the Echo reported how police were appealing for information following seven reports of criminal damage to car windows over the weekend. Police have now said a total of 20 vehicles were damaged and a new business which has yet to open was also targeted.

Police are now stepping up patrols in the areas that have been affected.

The roads where the incidents occurred included Cambridge Road, Alice Road, Windsor Road, Baynards Road, Manor Road and Stinsford View.

On Tuesday, officers were called to reports of criminal damage to Warmer Home Improvements on Great Western Road – formerly Dorchester Cycles. The business is due to launch in the new year. The shop window was damaged sometime between midday on Sunday and 8am on Monday.

An investigation is underway, and the incident is being treated as linked to the criminal damage to the vehicles in the area. No arrests have been made.

Andrew Summerfield, Director of Warmer Home Improvements, said: “We have been developing the shop into a home improvements showroom. It’s quite soul destroying to see something which you have put so much time and money into get damaged.”

Michelle Crabb, who lives on Alice Road, said her car’s window was smashed by yobs.

She said: “For me it feels worse than if they broke into my car and stole something, because they were doing it for the hell of it, because they find it fun. It’s just a night out for them. There’s somebody out there who is doing this without a thought for how it’s affecting people.”

She said the damage caused to her car window had a knock-on effect, as her husband had to spend the day repairing it, time which he could have spent at work.

One thing which appears to be linking the crimes is the type of damage caused to both the shop and the vehicles. Victims have reported finding ball bearing sized holes on their windows.

Neighbourhood Inspector Darren Stanton, of Dorchester police, said: “Our enquiries are continuing into the series of criminal damage incidents in the town to identify those responsible. We are continuing to step up patrols in the areas that have been affected. I would like to thank members of the community who have already come forward and reported any damage caused to their property. I am still keen to hear from anyone who may have any information to assist our investigation, or who has had their property targeted and has not yet reported this to us.”

If you see a crime in progress, dial 999. Otherwise, anyone with information can contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55190185430. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org.