Weymouth charity Friends of M.V. Freedom has made a major announcement – a contract has been signed for a new boat.

At an event in the Dolphin pub in Park Street, the charity announced that after years of fundraising to replace the current vessel M.V. Freedom – which regularly helps people living with disabilities enjoy trips out to sea – a contract is now signed with Blyth Catamarans to build a new 10 metre vessel. It will cost more than £200,000.

The current vessel is 27 years old, and the charity has been saving to replace it for the last eight years. Construction of the new boat will commence in March 2020, and is due for delivery in December of the same year.

Dirk Aldous, the Chairman of Friends of M.V. Freedom, thanked everyone who helped raise funds for the new boat – including the Dolphin which has raised more than £10,000.

A cheque for more than £2,000 from the Dolphin was presented to the charity as it revealed detail of the new boat.

Mr Aldous said: "Colin Armsden, the licensee of the Dolphin pub, and his fantastic customers have supported M.V. Freedom to the hilt over the past years. Their donations of thousands of pounds have been above and beyond what anyone could reasonably have expected. Their efforts are becoming legendary in our charity, and are a tribute to the generosity and dedication they have all shown to helping those living with disability in and around Weymouth. We are enormously grateful to them."

M.V. Freedom is a charity that has existed for 36 years. It offers trips out to sea for people living with disabilities, and people who have enjoyed this service include military veterans, the deaf, blind, young adults, children, the elderly and people in wheelchairs.

The old boat has now been sold to a Cornish fisherman, who will receive the vessel in August.

While the fundraising to build the new boat is complete, Mr Aldous emphasised that donations for the charity's work are still vital.

He added: "This is an important and exciting moment for the charity, but it does not mean that we can completely letup on our fundraising activities. We shall still need to raise funds to purchase a number of optional extras that will improve the facilities for our passengers and enhance their experience even further."

To find out more about the charity, visit mvfreedom.co.uk