A group of travellers have moved onto a car park in Weymouth.

Seven caravans are parked at Swannery Car Park near Radipole Lake.

Dorset Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Liaison team has already met with the group, who are set to leave the site today.

A spokesman for Dorset Council said on Tuesday: “The Gypsy and Traveller Liaison team visited the Swannery Car Park yesterday. There are seven caravans and several vehicles, and the site was tidy. The group claim they are just stopping until Wednesday. We handed out needs assessments to be returned by today and if they do not leave, we will assess the situation again on Wednesday.”

PLEASE NOTE: Comments have been opened on this story but any reference to gypsies or any racially offensive term will cause them to be closed and you may find your account suspended.

Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers are legally recognised as ethnic groups, and protected by the Race Relations Act.

Please keep your comments to this particular incident and do not generalise. Thanks for your co-operation.