Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here again, talking about a busy December. We were going to write about one or two events we have coming up, but then realised there is so much going on we thought you’d tell you a little bit about it all!

December starts with our People First Dorset Annual General meeting on Thursday 5th December, from 5-6.30pm at the Dorford Centre. This is a chance to tell everyone what we have been up to in the charity over the last financial year. It’s usually good fun and interesting to meet new people, and what our Management Committee have to say. You are all welcome to come if you want to.

Then, on Sunday 8th December, it’s the inclusive carol service at Dorchester Baptist Church, from 4 – 6pm. This service welcomes people with learning disabilities and is accessible for all. It includes drama, puppets, a talk, songs, prayers and then a delicious tea, cakes and sandwiches afterwards. It’s well worth coming to, and always uplifting for everyone who goes. It’s also fun.

We also lots of Friendship Club Christmas parties too. First it’s North Dorset Christmas meal and disco, which is a blast, at Folke Golf Club. They provide a tasty meal and a fantastic disco. The DJ’s are brilliant and a good laugh. Then it’s the New Vic Christmas jumper party in Weymouth, also good fun. Finally it’s Dorchester Christmas meal and disco in the Junction, which is always really enjoyable. DJ Simon comes in especially and he’s fab.

Other events which are not People First Dorset, and we may go to, are ice skating in Brewery Square and a craft fair in Weymouth. And don’t forget the election! We hope you all have a lovely December.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club– a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset