A well-known antiques expert will be taking part in an evening inspired by the BBC Radio 4 programme Desert Island Discs.

Paul Atterbury from Antiques Roadshow has been chosen as the next ‘castaway on a desert island’.

The event will take place at St Joseph’s Church and will be raising money for the Stella Maris One World Group.

Mr Atterbury will be picking eight tracks from throughout his life, which he will discuss with John Liles, the group’s organiser.

The event, which has been running for a few years and features well-known local people, runs on the same format as the Radio 4 programme.

John said: “The Desert Island Discs format is that there is castaway who basically gives a story of their life.

“They integrate this with eight tracks which mean something special to them.

“I have got no idea which songs he will pick, it’s going to be interesting. We try and make it quite funny."

Although the event will be taking place at the church, all are welcome to attend.

The One World Group runs as a charity through the Catholic church.

At the end of the year the money raised is allocated to both local and international charities.

The event will take place on Friday, December 6 in the parish hall.

Tickets cost £10 and include refreshments as well as a raffle ticket.

For more information and tickets please contact John Liles on 832325.