A project which stopped rough sleepers from dying on Weymouth’s streets last year will return next month.

The Safe Sleep project which sees local churches transform into hostels for rough sleepers will be back for its second year.

The project will be running for 17 weeks from Monday, December 2 to the end of March.

It is organised by Refresh – The Churches of Weymouth and Portland in Action, The Lantern Trust and Julian House.

Cherry Clarke of Refresh said: “The project went extremely well last year, better than we could have ever imagined, so we are doing it again.

“There’s a need in the area, we don’t want people sleeping on the streets during the winter.

“Last year, nobody died on the streets as a result of sleeping outside. That was the statistic people were most proud of, it stuck in our minds more than anything.

“Sleep Safe is more than just food and a bed, last year our guests were encouraged to engage with The Lantern Trust and Julian House.

“A phenomenal percentage of them were able to find accommodation afterwards, so only a few of them were left on the streets afterwards.”

Mrs Clarke said that six churches have already got on board with the project this year, included three from last year and three new ones.

The project will be launching from St Mary's Church in Weymouth.

However, the full list of churches and dates when they will be welcoming rough sleepers is yet to be announced.

St Mary’s Church in Weymouth will be holding a bric-a-brac stall on Saturday, December 7 to raise money for the project.

Bric-a-brac sale organiser Jan Winfield said: “It’s a great opportunity to pick up something unusual and help a good cause. The slogan is ‘Bargains galore for a small donation’, as nothing carries a set price. There’ll be coffee, tea and a mince pie on offer, so please do come”.

The event will start at 11am.