A SCHOOL near Blandford is launching two new bursary awards to local children.

Knighton House School will offer two new full bursary awards to local children in Reception and Year 1. The ‘Orchard Awards’ will give local boys and girls the full benefit of an Orchard education in Years 1 and 2.

The awards will go to boys and girls showing enthusiasm and potential in their learning. The awards are fully funded and will be awarded to boys and girls to cover the entirety of their Orchard fees.

The awards will be made after an assessment made through play and structured activities as well as areas such as engagement and communication/language skills.

With schools under ever-increasing pressure to fit a growing number of elements into already full schedules and to put children second to curriculum demands, the reverse is true in The Orchard; the children guide their learning, engage with reality and the outdoors, drive their own achievement and thrive as a consequence.

A school spokesperson said: “Knighton House is based in 30 acres of glorious Dorset countryside which provides us with a fabulous canvas for learning.

“Our children receive an education which far exceeds a world of worksheets; they are able to interact and engage with the world first hand and most importantly have fun learning.

“With our small class sizes, it is possible to tailor the learning experience to each child; they are nurtured to become independent learners who are confident to explore, investigate and succeed.

Head, Robin Gainher, said: “Knighton House is about the very best education we can provide in a nurturing supportive environment. These fully funded awards are true to Knighton’s charitable mission and are a fantastic way to broaden our contribution to the local community.”