Dorset Music Hub is crowdfunding for a project that will encourage young people to make music and learn new skills.

It is proposing to create a collaborative record label to develop the musical learning and emotional expression of young people.

A series of free workshops will help young people learn how to reflect on their own life experiences, develop their song writing skills and learn music production techniques.

If the hub reaches its target of £5,000 it will unlock match funding from Arts Council England.

Clair McColl, manager of the Dorset Music Hub, said: “We are interested in working with young people to help them collaborate, empathise and express themselves through music.

“With this project we can meet more young people and help change their lives.”

The finished songs will be shared and celebrated.

A panel of supportive music education experts will make a selection to be promoted on the online platform Routenote to generate income for the young artists under the Discover Dorset label.

This project will bring marginalised voices into the spotlight and create a generation of new Dorset artists.

To pledge money for this project visit

The deadline for pledges is December 20.

  • The Dorset Music (Education) Hub strives to ensure that all children and young people in Dorset have the opportunity to embark, progress and excel on a musical journey.

A spokesman said: “We encourage children to be creative, collaborative and committed to achieving their best through a range of activities including whole class instrumental learning, workshops, tuition, music ensembles and large-scale events.

“We expand children’s current music provision and support schools to develop their music teaching to ensure children receive a high-quality experience regardless of their age, background and location.”