Dorset Police’s second phase of Your Dorset. Your Police. Your View is now live.

Dorset Police are giving the general public the opportunity to step into the Chief Constable’s shoes and say where they want to see resources allocated.

This phase allows the public to choose where to spend resources on topics like 999 and 101 demand or searching for a vulnerable missing person.

The simple slider tool will allow people to make decisions about the resourcing of police priorities in Dorset. The aim is to increase people’s knowledge of the complexity of the work carried out by Dorset Police. The slider will show the potential impact that increasing, or decreasing, resources in any one area could have on the service provided across Dorset.

This information will help to inform the Chief Constable in shaping how the Force allocates its resources in the future.

Chief Constable James Vaughan said: “The first phase of Your Dorset. Your Police. Your View, had an excellent response and I’d like to thank all those who took part.

“With the start of phase two, we are giving the public a chance to decide on two different areas of importance within Dorset Police, areas that cover topics like 999 demand or protecting vulnerable people. We hope that the response will be as positive as phase one.

“We want to give the public the opportunity to learn more about the challenges and complexities of modern policing. We also want to know what is most important to you – so you can tell us how Dorset Police can continue to best meet your needs and keep you safe in the future.”

To cast your decisions, go to