DURING this 2019, election frenzy I meet and talk to so many people who have given up on the democratic process. They critique all our leaders, the parties and their politics. For me that is a sad reflection on the narrative.

Leaders make big bold statements about looking after the NHS, having enough policeman and maintaining social welfare, but shouldn't these be a given.

The only real debate is the level of money required to ensure that fair and reasonable targets are meet.

However our of this cynicism is one key subject that almost everybody unites on, the need for affordable housing. This is closely aligned to the ticking time bomb of climate change. What houses we are building are neither affordable or fit for the new age of carbon reduction.

This then highlights the need for projects like Watton Village in Bridport.

The plan is to build over 200 affordable 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes on the outskirts of the town with easy access by foot and cycleways to the main shopping areas.

The land is being leased at no cost to the developer by a local farming family who want to support the local community and create a legacy for future generations. Finance is already in place to build every home to passivhaus standards of insulation reducing their energy footprint. The homes will all have PV on the roofs and create low cost energy for the families with a 50% excess being sold back to the grid and creating revenue for community activities.

The cost to the public purse is zero, the families who will live there will be local and currently without decent homes, living in hugely expensive rental accommodation. Liberated they have a better life and energy to be a part of a future thriving Bridport.

The eco footprint is so important with water reclamation, thousands of tree planting, kind wildlife and nature strategies, landscaping to create an ambience for those who live there and the people who live in surrounding areas.

The village creates huge economic logic and a pointer to the way to grow whilst addressing climate change. Partnerships between public and private interests that focus on community gain rather than individual profit.

Thinking local, people, jobs, transport,food and sustainability.

So my message to the politicians this is one subject on which the whole nation can unite. The Watton Village model is ready and waiting to give our people a better place to live and what could be more important than that.

Vince Adams

White Horse Lane

Hinton St Mary