The man behind the world's most famous music festival is lending his support to west Dorset youngsters as they strive to reopen their youth club.

Glastonbury Festival founder Michael Eavis is to take part in a fundraiser for Charmouth Youth Club.

The Somerset farmer, who has hosted the world-renowned festival on his land for the past 50 years, is a keen supporter of community fundraising and has raised millions over the years for charitable causes.

You will be able to ask how preparations are going for the festival's 50th year as there will be a chance for the audience to ask questions.

The youth club's chairman of trustees, Pete Wild, said: “I think we may be lucky and get Michael to sing a few songs as well as his talk and Q&A session."

The Glastonbury boss has taken to the stage to sing at the festival several times in recent years, and as Pete is his pianist it’s likely the two will perform some music. “We have other live music on the night from local upcoming band Velveteen Vigilantes and singer songwriter Ruby Dew," said Pete. "This event is all about young people in Charmouth and the surrounding villages so we wanted some of them to perform too - but we really need the local adults to come out and support us on the night.”

Charmouth Youth Club closed when the county council stopped all funding for youth services and, since then, the committee of trustees has been busy raising funds and putting everything into place in readiness to recruit youth workers to help run the club nights alongside volunteers.

The event organisers are also running a charity auction of experiences on the night, November 30. Up for grabs are a night in London’s West End staying in a luxury flat, a boat ride with Lyme Rib Rides, a photographic day with local professional Si Emmett plus a few other experiences yet to be announced.

Tickets for the charity event, to be held at Charmouth's community hall, are £20 for table seating or £15 for standing and can be bought from Fortnam, Smith and Banwell in Charmouth or reserved by text or WhatsApp on 07949 923834.

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start and there will be a full bar available and a few free canapés served.