Pride of Dorchester The Lions Club has just handed over a double donation to this year's Dorset Echo Christmas Toy Appeal.

Thanks to the generosity of the community who have donated to the Lions charity fund at events throughout the year, the fundraising group has supported the Toy Appeal with a very merry £200 cheque.

The Echo has now been running the Christmas Toy Appeal for 20 years. We collect donations of toys and money from residents and businesses, the latter of which usually make a one-off payment of £100 to be spent on presents for Dorset children facing hardship at Christmas.

Often, they are living in care homes and refuges, or are from families who would otherwise be unable to afford presents.

Andy Rose of Dorchester Lions Club dropped into the Dorset Echo office in person to hand over a giant cheque on behalf of the club.

Mr Rose said: "The public has been generous in the support of our charity events in the last year so we thought it appropriate to donate a little more this year to help the Dorset Echo's brilliant appeal.

"The Lions get enjoyment from putting on charity events and feel privileged that we can help at least a few people in our community who are disadvantaged for whatever reason at Christmas.

"Anything we can do to bring a little cheer and maybe a smile to a child makes all our volunteers efforts worthwhile."

Dorchester Lions Club has supported children and children's charities for many years. As well as the Toy Appeal, over the past few years they have helped Kingfisher Ward and Gully's Place end of life care unit for children at Dorset County Hospital. They also support Mosaic, which helps bereaved children, and recently donated to the You Trust's Christmas Appeal.

Dorset Echo promotions manager Debbie Hellaby said: "Without the support of our readers and businesses we would not be able to help put smiles on all those families' faces at Christmas, so a big 'thank you' in advance for your help."

To donate, visit

Businesses wishing to make a £100 donation should email