Weymouth Way WILL be open in time for next weekend's Dorset Seafood Festival.

The assurance comes from Wessex Water which says its sewage pipe repair work underneath the A354 Weymouth bypass is progressing well and will be finished next week – no exact date has yet been given.

That will come as some relief to organisers of the seafood festival which attracts huge crowds.

A closure of the main road into town on what is one of the resort's biggest weekends would have caused major difficulties.

Residents will also be delighted to hear that work by gas distribution company SGN around Chafeys Roundabout is also due to finish next week.

Weymouth Way between Westham Crossroads (Swannery Bridge) and Chafeys Roundabout has been closed since June 19 following a collapsed sewer main.

Wessex Water has been working around the clock but has been hampered by engineering difficulties in the 'challenging' repair.

As reported, discussions have been held between Wessex Water and Dorset Council's highways team about what to do if the work wasn't completed by the seafood festival weekend of July 13-14.

But a Wessex Water spokesman said yesterday: "The pipe has been fixed and we're in the process of backfilling.

"We can confirm the road will be open in time for the seafood festival. We don't know the exact date next week when it will reopen but will know more after the weekend and will then be able to provide a further update."

Meanwhile, the gas repair project affecting Weymouth Way around Chafeys Roundabout is coming to an end.

The gas leak was first discovered in January and has led to the pedestrian crossing being taken out of action as well as highway restrictions including reduced speed limits and lane closures.

SGN has had to upgrade the pipe system following the leak, replacing an old metal gas main with new plastic pipe.

SGN spokesman Bradley Barlow said: "We’ve finished laying our main at Chafeys Roundabout and we’re currently in the process of resurfacing the road as well as tidying the nearby verges.

"We’re on schedule to complete our work next week.

"We’d like to thank the local community for their continued patience."