MOTORISTS face major disruption next month as workers tackle a main road across Dorset through Purbeck that is already breaking up in places.

The A351 through Sandford is a main route linking Weymouth with the east of the county as well as taking traffic to and from Wareham, Swanage and Wool to the Poole and Bournemouth area and beyond.

The works are inevitably expected to cause major delays and inconvenience to motorists.

The route has long had the description of the busiest road in rural Dorset - and its steadily increasing traffic congestion has led to a bar on significant developments in Purbeck which would pour more cars on to the road.

Repairs and resurfacing work undertaken for Dorset County Council is due to start on October 8 with working hours from 7.30am to 5.30pm and is due to continue to November 18.

The work will stretch from just south of the Sibley pottery roundabout north of Wareham and affect the road north up to the roundabout at Holton Heath leading to the industrial estate.

It has been anticipated that traffic will be controlled using a combination of stop and go signs, temporary traffic signals and full road closures. These measures are said to be required for safety reasons as there will be work on the full width of the carriageway. It is due to be undertaken in four phases.

It is understood that the resurfacing in the vicinity of the pottery roundabout - where the B3075 road branches off towards Morden Park Corner - will require the closure of the Morden road to through traffic, although it is due to be open to those travelling locally.

That is due to start from Monday, October 8 and continue through to Sunday, October 21.

The B3075 is to be closed to through traffic so vehicles can use the A351 Sandford Road and a chicane will be constructed below the forest trail at Sherford bridge, with the road physically closed below Forest Edge Road. The road at Gore Hill will be made two-way - with a weight restriction for this phase of the work to enable residents of Forest Edge and Morden Road to have access by car to Wareham.

The second phase from Monday, October 22 to Sunday, October 28 will be from north of the Sibley pottery roundabout to the roundabout near the Sandford middle school and the junction leading off to the Woodlands housing estate.

The next phase between Monday, October 29 and Sunday, November 11 will be from Sandford Middle School and Woodlands roundabout to the Organford traffic lights junction and is expected to require the road to be closed for two weeks.

The fourth and final phase of the work from Monday, November 12 to Sunday, November 18 will be north from the Organford traffic lights to the Holton Heath roundabout junction with Blackhill and there will be a combination of traffic signals and stop and go boards.

There is due to be partial resurfacing on that stretch of road.

Emergency services are liaising with the county council about the situation.