TALENTED artists in Long Bredy displayed their work in the church at a fundraising festival.

The art and flower festival was a first for the village and was put on to raise money for the church after the village fete was rained off in July.

Joint organiser Elinor Frost said: "It was a great weekend. The artistic talent in the village was just amazing.

"We had a steady stream of visitors over both days and made just over £700, which is fantastic.

"This makes up the church's share of the village fete. The children's competition to make a creature out of vegetables was amazing and there were loads of entries.

"Really everybody in the village took part in one way or another.

"There were people making cakes and everything on sale was homemade."

There were paintings, tapestries, photographs, as well as flowers on display. Artists and photographers included Tim Sage, Jane Ashcombe, Paul Sainsbury, Ian Cameron, Sally Dewhurst, Tracey Linwood, June Clewlow, Carol Lee and Juniper Greener.

There was also a display of old village photographs, complete with names, put together by Jackie Cain, who also organised the art side of the event.

Other organisers were Juniper Greener and Margaret Elliott.

Mrs Frost added: "It was a huge village effort and everybody enjoyed it so much, it was really successful but I don't think we will do it annually. It made a nice change from the fete but if we do it every year it would not be so special."