A SUPER slimmer has been crowned woman of the year at a weight loss group after shedding an impressive four stone in five months.

Lyn Masters, who joined the Wyke Regis Slimming World Group in March this year, was given the award after her impressive weight loss.

Lyn attended the group after being referred by the county-wide LiveWell Dorset scheme, which encourages people to take on a more healthy and active lifestyle, and also helps people to lose weight if they want to.

During the past four months, Lyn has followed a strict diet and has made healthy substitutes into her diet, while still enjoying the occasional treat such as pizza.

But, there is no rest for Lyn as she said she wants to lose a little bit more weight before she reaches her goal.

Lyn said: “I never realised losing weight could be so easy.

“Before joining I was really nervous and didn’t know what to expect but I really shouldn’t have worried, all the group are so friendly and really help each other every week.

“My weight loss is amazing and I have decided to lose a further stone before I have reached my target weight.

“My friends and family are so proud of me.”

Lyn was given the award at the group’s meeting on Portland Road earlier on August 18, and her weight-loss consultant Nicky Maynard also spoke of how well Lyn had done.

She said: “I have watched Lyn come to group every week and she is amazing, not just with her own weight loss but with helping and inspiring others too.

“When she was nominated I called Live Well Dorset and invited them to come and see exactly what we do in the groups as they refer so many people to us.

“Charlie from Live Well Dorset was brilliant, she spoke briefly to the group about the other services they offer which include help with stopping smoking, cutting down on drink and becoming more active.

“She was also very impressed with the members and said she realised just what courage it took to take that first step through the doors to start with.”


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