By Annette Craddock


SOME planning matters.

Land at Knighton Lane: the notice of approval, given in April, had been published with planning permission granted subject to nine conditions.

Land opposite Martel Close: residential development of land for up to five dwellings; the applicants had signed an s.106 agreement in the event that planning permission was granted but on June 3 WDDC had refused permission, primarily for reasons relating to the AONB.

Work has started recently on the grounds of the old residential home, Lytchetts, with a new board gone up outside heralding the new development called Lytchetts Park.

The Chairman reported on behalf of Broadmayne Community (Assets) Group that the meeting about the future of the shop, held on June 1 had been attended by over 100 people.

There was unanimous support for the retention of the shop, and overwhelming support for the extended moratorium on its sale to be invoked.

That six month moratorium would now run until October 22. The steering committee would continue to meet to consider next steps.”

Parish Plan Cllr Hatcher reported that work on the final draft was proceeding, and that it was hoped it would be with the printers by the end of June.

Hall and playing field project The Chairman reported that the focus was presently on the changing rooms. Meetings had recently been held with one of the builders who had tendered for the works to discuss possible costs savings, and with representatives of the football teams. Meetings with a representative of the Football Association to discuss possible grants, and with the architect, were scheduled for the coming week.

Next meeting Monday 6 July 2015 at the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30 pm. Parishioners are always welcome to attend. and speak at council meetings during the democratic period. Agendas are posted on the four village notice boards and the website approximately a week before the meeting. The full minutes of each meeting are put on the website and on the main notice board, with a summary on the other notice boards. Website: Visit the website