A WEYMOUTH schoolgirl is waiting to see if she makes it onto screen when Far From the Madding Crowd is released later this year.

Alicia Wilcocks, 12, was one of hundreds of extras from Dorset who spent time filming when the Fox Searchlight production shot the new Thomas Hardy adaptation in Dorset.

The film follows the tale of Bathsheba Everdean, played by Carey Mulligan, an independent woman who attracts three very different suitors. The film will be in cinemas on May 1.

Alicia was 10 when she spent the day at Sherborne Abbey filming as part of a market scene.

She had to run through the market, leading a group of children, and had to run through the horses and stand next to Juno Temple’s character Fanny. She then had to stand in a scene while Tom Sturridge’s character Troy and Fanny are shouting across the market place to each other.

After seeing the appeal for extras in the Echo, Alicia went to the Dorchester auditions accompanied by her mum Alison.

The film team took pictures of all those who turned up to the auditions and took measurements for costumes.

Mum Alison later received a call to say they wanted Alicia as an extra.

On the day of the filming mum and daughter drove to Sherborne Abbey and Alicia got into costume before being driven to the film set in a minibus.

The area outside the abbey was turned into a market with bark on the floor, Alicia said.

She said that everyone was really friendly when they were filming and she had a chat to Juno Temple about the story of the film. She also met Matthias Schoenaerts who plays Gabriel Oak.

She said: “It was amazing, like a dream for me. When I was younger I always wanted to be in a film.”

Alicia said she is very excited to see the film on the big screen, but she said: “I don’t mind if I’m not in the final film, but it would be a bonus.”

Mum Alison said: “I’m very proud.”

Alison said her school at the time, St John’s Primary in Weymouth, had been very supportive, allowing Alicia out for the day for filming.

Alicia did a presentation for the students about her experience filming and a few of the students even asked for her autograph.

Were you an extra in Far From The Madding Crowd? We want to hear about your experiences. Contact catherine.bolado@dorsetecho.co.uk or call 01305 830981.