GROUPS in disadvantaged areas of Dorset can bid for funding to help boost their communities.

The money is for community-led projects run by residents to improve their areas.

Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available from the People’s Health Trust for Dorset not-for-profit and constituted community groups with an annual income of less than £350,000.

The groups receiving the money must carry out the projects in particular areas of Dorset – that is, Portland (including Weston and Fortuneswell), central Weymouth, Skilling and South Mill Lane in Bridport and the small area around the Borough Gardens, Great Western Road and High West Street in Dorchester.

The People’s Health Trust is an independent charity funded by 51 local society lotteries and the money they raise through The Health Lottery.

Its Active Communities funding is focused on supporting projects which are designed and run by local people and improve their communities.

Groups have to apply online via the People’s Health Trust website by February 18 but the Dorset Community Foundation is working in partnership with them to support potential applicants.

One such organisation which has benefited is the Portland-based charity Island Community Action which received a grant towards its Portland Pride Growing Local project to promote local food.

Portland Pride has helped more than 30 producers to expand or kick-start their businesses. The project aims to deliver a range of food and horticultural based activities across Portland over the next two years.

ICA chairman Kim Wilcocks said: “Having such a presigous organisation support the project is fantastic.

“Over the last few yeas we have worked long and hard to expand the area’s food offer, from helping local producers to providing lunch clubs for older people.

“We have done so because we believe that food has the ability to inspire and enable long-term positive change for individuals and communities.

“With this funding we have been able to extend the project, enabling many more people to benefit, whether as gardeners, cooks, producers or consumers.”

For support with applications contact Debbie Harris, Grants Manager at the Dorset Community Foundation on 01202 292255 or at To apply directly go to