ACCESS to a high quality internet connection should be a basic right for schoolchildren, a Portland teacher has claimed.

Gary Spracklen, from the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy (IPACA), spoke after getting involved with an action group exploring how to best use technology alongside learning.

Mr Spracklen is one of two teachers who are members of the UK Education Technology Action Group (ETAG).

Members of the group have met over the past year to discuss how digital technology might empower teachers and learners.

A report by the group, published this week, was referenced by Nicky Morgan, secretary of state for education and minister for women and equalities, as part of her speech at the BETT Show in London.

Mr Spracklen, the academy’s director of digital learning and innovation, said: “It’s really exciting.

“The report’s been published. Nicky Morgan actually thanked IPACA patron Professor Stephen Heppell for his work in chairing the committee.

“It’s a real honour to be involved as a teacher as part of the panel.”

Members of the group got together at the beginning of 2014, after being set up by ministers from the Department for Education and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Mr Spracklen, who also spoke at the BETT Show, said no one should be left behind when it comes to connectivity, with IPACA currently using 100mb connections.

He said: “A child being connected should be a basic right and having a super fast connection can only support their learning.

“That’s something we strongly believe in at IPACA.

“For IPACA, that’s standard.

“Whatever campus they are in, that’s a basic right. We don’t see that as anything special anymore.

“It’s the standard raised that our learners have come to expect.”

IPACA currently has a researcher in residence from Bournemouth University, Philip Wilkinson, whose role is to evidence the innovation the school is making. Mr Wilkinson’s duties have included hosting employability workshops.

Mr Spracklen said: “He has been fantastic. He’s been working with us since September. He’s with us three days a week and he’s leading on a number of community projects.

“He works for us as part of Samsung UK. We are one of Samsung UK’s leading learning partners.”

If you would like to read ETAG’s latest report, visit