A comedy night is being organised to raise money for an under-7s football team whose equipment was stolen.

Lucinda Helms, from Portland, is raising money for Harlequin and Weston Boys football team to provide safer storage space.

The night will feature six comedians from all over the UK hosted by Lucinda’s sister, Miranda Kane. A disco will follow afterwards.

Lucinda said: “My sister recently became a stand-up comedian, so she knows lots of amazing acts who are about to make it big on television, or have been working on the circuit for a while and can really bring something new to Portland.

“It’s a really exciting opportunity to see acts who might become really famous in the future on our doorstep.

“We’re hoping to raise £500 for the club, and make the night a regular feature on Portland. Hopefully we can raise more in the future for other local projects.”

Harlequin and Weston Sports was formed in 1996 and used to be known as The Islanders FC.

It has a number of teams, all of which play at Weston Street playing fields.

Lucinda’s son, Jamie, aged six, plays for the under-7s team.

She said: “Unfortunately, they’ve had some equipment stolen which is heart-breaking because it means the kids can’t play.

“I’m really passionate about doing something to keep them going. Plus this way we get to bring some new entertainment to the island.”

Miranda, who is helping to organise the event, became a comedian three years ago.

She said: “I’m currently living in London, but I always make time to gig down in Dorset. It’s my home town so I’m really happy to help organise a club night, especially as it’s helping my nephew doing something he loves.”

‘Comedy on the Rock’ will take place at the Kimberlin Club, Blacknor Road, on Saturday, February 28. Tickets cost £10 and are available from the Kimberlin Club or portlandcomedy.co.uk The event will start at 8pm with doors open from 7.30pm.

The evening’s entertainment is expected to finish late.

For more information, please send an email to info@portland comedy.co.uk