A good deed group aiming to bring a community feel to their town have been flooded with offers of help following an article in the Echo.

The group, called ‘For Goodness Sake’ aims to do good deeds in the Bridport area and to improve the community.

It started in October and has already attracted 290 people on the group’s Facebook page.

Back in December the Echo told how founder of the group, Matt Sparrow, was keen to raise as much awareness and local interest in the idea as possible.

Bridport-based Matt, who is 38 and self-employed, said the group’s first project was to find land locally to grow fruit and vegetables to give away to those less fortunate in the area.

He added: “The group are struggling to find landowners willing to help and are interested in talking to allotment societies, local farmers or landowners.”

But since the Echo article, the group have been offered use of an allotment by a local landowner until they find something more permanent.

Matt has also been offered further land on the edge of the town from a Bridport couple, use of a tractor and cultivator as well as a curry class from Bridport market trader Alasdair Marshall when the allotment produce gets up and running.

Matt told the Echo: “We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has offered their help towards the group.

“Our aim is to have the land and project in place by December this year or earlier if we can manage it.

“We want to help people help themselves as we know times are difficult.

“We are not politically or religiously motivated, just like-minded people from Bridport wanting to do good.

“Acts of kindness make life better for everyone involved; it’s for the good of all of us that live in Bridport and will create a better environment for our children.”

The group also started a collection of unwanted winter coats and warm clothing and donated these to The Pilsdon Community on Christmas Eve.

They have also been busy creating planters out of recycled wood for people to begin growing their own produce.

The group were inspired to do something good for the community after hearing about the work done by Bridport’s food bank, Cupboard Love.

  •  For more information or to get involved call Matt on 07841 364619, email sparro76@live.com or search for the ‘For Goodness Sake’ page on Facebook.