GARDENERS went silly for spuds at the fourth annual Potato Day.

The event at the Bridport United Church on Saturday raised money for a children’s charity – and organisers are already looking ahead to next year’s event.

“I think it went really well,” said organiser Jude Hopkins.

“We were able to give £150 to the charity we have chosen, the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation – and there may be some more to come.

“There was at least as many people there as last year.

“Last time we had a huge rush in the middle of the day – whereas it was quite consistently busy this year.”

Somerset nursery Pennard Plants, which specialises in heritage and heirloom seeds and plants, brought along dozens of varieties of potatoes – getting gardeners in the mood for the new year.

“Some people have said it is a strange time to have it – but it really kick starts people into the gardening season,” added Jude.

“It’s a really nice day.

“I think it’s a very special event and people seem to really enjoy it.”

“Despite what has been said, it will be taking place next year as people seem to be really keen to get growing as early as they can.”