There are a surprising number of animal-related old wives’ tales out there that we vets would say are not really true.

The classic is that dogs’ saliva is somehow curative or “antibacterial” and therefore dogs licking a wound will help it to heal.

NO it will not! A dog licking a wound will cause tissue damage, inflammation and can introduce infection. Dogs licking a wound will traumatise the wound edges and cause much more damage than good – hence the fact that whenever we send a dog (or indeed cat) home having been stitched up we will always advise the owner to take on some form of preventative measure to stop wounds being licked.

These measures include the plastic “buster” collar (you have all seen these classic plastic lampshades on dogs’ heads) or a special T-shirt to cover the wound. Sometimes owners will take their dog’s collar off for them to eat but I always say they should do this with caution – I have seen dogs do incredible damage to wounds in just a few minutes.

Unimpeded a neatly sutured wound should heal in a week to ten days, if licked then this process can take twice as long.

If a dog gets a spot of eczema they can lick to such an extent that they cause real tissue damage. Things that start as small spots of irritation can overnight turn into nasty, infected lesions.

Jimmy: I’m a four-year-old greyhound chap looking for a nice comfy sofa to call my own. I’m fantastic with children and small dogs and my main interests are food, fun and cuddles.

Amy: I’m a pretty little four-year-old greyhound girl who really deserves to find somewhere to settle down and call home. I know I will make a loving family pet for somebody.

Bally: I’m a two-year-old Pointer boy who is a real treasure and would love to find a happy home. I’m good with other dogs and I love to run about and play.

Mojo: I’m a little five-month-old cross breed boy who would suit an active family with lots of love to give. I’m a well adjusted little dog looking for my perfect home.

Charlie: I’m a sweet-natured male Yorkshire terrier Jack Russell cross who is five years old. I would really like to find a nice quiet home where I can get plenty of cuddles.

Maryrose: I’m a beautiful two-year-old female cat who has lived with a dog in the past and is used to children. I am very sweet and would make a great companion for someone.

Contact Margaret Green Animal Rescue     0844 4778846