A CONSULTATION on Portland Town Council’s future budget and tax precept has so far received a ‘mixed bag’ of responses, councillors heard.

An update on the consultation was provided at the town council’s finance and resources committee on Wednesday evening.

Residents are currently being asked for their views on what the final budget and precept figure should be for 2015/16.

The survey contains three questions in total, which also asks residents to identify priority areas where money could be spent, if the precept were to rise.

The consultation came about after the council commissioned an independent staffing review towards the end of last year, which made a number of recommendations. This included raising the precept value to £25, half the average value for a town council.

Survey forms are available both online and offline. At the time of writing, 124 responses have been received.

The majority of those who have completed the survey so far have suggested they would prefer to see a zero increase in the precept figure, with 82 people in favour.

Cllr Andy Matthews said: “What we are trying to do is have a process where members are aware of what’s coming through on the survey.

“What we are not trying to do is close this down.

“What we are trying to do is invoke a debate on the issues that are coming through on the consultation.

“There’s obviously a protest vote around 0p, 30p, and things like that. That’s related to the fact that there are issues.

“There is a number that are saying we understand what you are trying to do but we feel you should take stock and use your own resources and try not to increase the precept.

“It’s a mixed bag.”

Speaking prior to Cllr Matthews’ update, Cllr Sylvia Bradley, said: “We must put into consideration this year that everything will be set out properly and if it (the precept) does go up, even if it goes up by one penny or two pennies, we will know why.

“We can’t have the problems we had last year.”

Survey forms are still available from the town council offices and Easton Library. They may also be completed online via portland towncouncil.co.uk The survey period comes to an end on Saturday, January 31.